Sunday, October 28, 2012

I chose the three objective test items and essay items because I wanted to see how many students were able to demonstrate their knowledge about community helpers.  Since this was designed for first graders and they are not able to give an in-depth essay, I decided to ask them to give me three sentences about what a policeman does.  This is to test their knowledge by answering a question to see if they absorbed the information that was presented to them.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who Lives in Your Neighborhood

Grade Level:  First Grade

Three of the measurable learning outcomes for the unit are:
·     10 out 18 students will demonstrate the knowledge about community helpers by answering open-ended questions

·         9 out of 18 students will be able to recognize community helpers in a group of visual aids

·         80% of the class will pass a simple objective and essay test given on Friday

The test items I will use to support my outcomes are as following:

Ojective 1:  After giving the students information about different community helpers, the student will be able to demonstrate their knowledge.

Multiple Choice:  Circle the correct letter. 
 What does a doctor do to help our community?
A. Help people feel better by prescribing medicine and performing checkups
B. Put out fires
C. Deliver mail
D. Helps students cross the street when arriving/departing from school

What is the name of someone who helps us to take care of our teeth?
            A. Bus Driver
            B. Teacher
            C. Nurse
            D. Dentist
 Who is the community helper that helps us cross the street safely?
            A. Crossing-guard
            B. Grocer
            C. Banker
            D. Pilot

Objective 2:  The student can associate community helpers with their role.

Matching:  The first column is a list of community helpers.  Descriptions of what a community helper do is listed in the second column.  In the space provided, write the letter of the description that matches each community helper.

____1.  Fireman                                  a.  Comes to fix toliet
____2. Trash Collector                        b.  Works on the highway to make it smooth
____3.  Chef                                       c.  Puts out fires
____4.  Plumber                                  d.  Makes meals at a restaurant
____5.  Construction                            e.  Collects trash
Objective 3:  The student will recognize the community helper’s role.
 Read and circle the correct answer. 
   1. A doctor works in a school.
   2. The firefighter puts out fires.
   3. The mechanic fixes computers.
   4. The teacher works in a school.
  Objective 4:  The student will be able to answer a question of a given community.

 Write three sentences about what a policeman does.